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Kim Yong-Chul


Kim Yong-Chul (b. 1949) was born in Korea and received both his B.F.A. and M.F.A. from Hongik University. He is a Korean painter who conveys the importance of preserving traditional values and cultural heritage. In the 1970s (a period of national transformation from poverty to wealth), Kim worked on political projects to critique the depressing Korean society of the time using newspapers and television as media. Since 1984 Kim has returned to painting and employed Korean pictorial tradition capturing the scenery of vivid, fresh life, which represents a departure from the previous political and gloomy perspective. He paints symbols with positive connotations, such as hearts, flowers, and birds, to suggest a promising future and brighter prospects amid difficult times. Kim’s works have been exhibited in various art fairs, galleries, and museums, including Art Central Hong Kong, Zaha Gallery in Korea, and Hyundai Arts Center in Korea. His works are also collected by prominent organizations in Korea, such as the National Museum of Modern Contemporary Art, Korea, the Seoul Museum of Art, and the Korean Embassy in China.

Selected Works

Kim Yong-Chul, Heart Blossomed with Peony, 2019, Acrylic on canvas, 72.7 × 60.6 cm
Kim Yong-Chul, Walking into the Forest, 2019  Acrylic on canvas, 130 × 160.6 cm
Kim Yong-Chul, The Spring Day of Gang Hwa Island -  Peony, 2019, Acrylic on canvas, 53 × 45.5 cm


Kim Yong-Chul

Walking into the Forest, 2019

Acrylic on canvas

130 × 160.6 cm


Kim Yong-Chul


The Spring Day of Gang Hwa Island -

Peony, 2019

Acrylic on canvas

53 × 45.5 cm

Kim Yong-Chul


Heart Blossomed with Peony, 2019

Acrylic on canvas

72.7 × 60.6 cm

Kim Yongchul, ...With You, 2019, Acrylic on canvas, 24.2 × 33.4 cm
Kim Yong-Chul, Bird and Peony Blossom, 2003, Acrylic on canvas, 32.2 x 39.2 cm


Kim Yong-Chul

...With You, 2019

Acrylic on canvas

24.2 × 33.4 cm


Kim Yong-Chul


Bird and Peony Blossom, 2003

Acrylic on canvas

32.2 x 39.2 cm

Kim Yongchul, Peony and Birds, 2019, Acrylic on canvas, 72.7 × 53 cm


Kim Yong-Chul

Peony and Birds, 2019

Acrylic on canvas

72.7 × 53 cm

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